Welcome to one of the cyber flying blogs…

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by the Cyber Bloogers…


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The problem with fake profiles, onion profiles capable of promoting uselessness to perfection.
In many cases you would find that fake profiles either share child pornography, share insults , insult people that comment on their insults and also they bring about division with the objective for destruction. For example they share “10 blessings if you share this post. Or they share a pathetic useless-full website with the heading “all whites must be killed, all blacks must be killed. Failing yet again to rather focus on solutions. A Solution to this global virus or bacteria that surrounds us all on the world wide web, social media platforms can be found in education. Education to identify these people / fake profiles that make these remarks and then to exterminate them ( figuratively speaking).


Much of today’s astronomy happens via methodical searches, but sometimes serendipitous discoveries still surprise us. Such is the case with the transient CGS2004A, a possible supernova recently detected in a galaxy nearly 50 million light-years away.

We always must be well aware, the internet is a place where “ANYTHING GOES”. If you read something you must take great caution to who wrote it, what is the objective and even if there is a solution offered. A solution regarding murdering a race, is not a solution. A solution is found where people agree. A solution is not where people remove others free will, where people remove the free will of children, if that is your view then the world should identify you as the problem area and treat you as such.

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Many profiles, well millions of onion ( dark web blogs) are now freely roaming the social media platforms, the huge internet companies allowed these onion profiles on the platforms and they even failed to warn anyone, therefore promoting them. Why would their view regarding this serious matter be so lethargic? Well I have one answer, and that is they themselves allow it because they condone it or for financial gain fueled by greed and lust . ( Destruction as a result)

its free
They tend to fuel a fire between people. They also have the ability to never offer a solution whatsoever and they support both sides, it is then this side, then that side, bringing about division between people who would only want a prosperous future. These people tend to be much more educated regarding the operation of the world than the normal citizen, they know exactly what to do and how to do it, and it is on purpose. And the large internet companies promote them. Many news agencies only report, report and report, but where are the agencies offering solutions , solutions and more solutions? Non existent?

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They only feed people what will bring them in more money, even snakes that are 1000 meters in length is at the end of the day a success story, killing “whites”, killing blacks and are you thin enough and much much more. People are not treating the cause of a global virus but treating the symptoms, we will keep reliving the same old same old if nothing changes. We need to identify the people or “things ” that bring about division between people and treat it as a serious offence. People have a freedom of speech, but at least put a face, name , address, number proof and all you claim behind your statements. Statements by faceless or masked profiles much be treated as such, useless comments with little to no use or knowledge behind their remarks.

With the diverse world today and many different religions we need to accommodate all religions, I am a Christian and my God gave each and every person a free will. My God is Love, he allow anyone to believe in whatever they want to belief in, but He is Love therefore will not allow other people to oppress others. That is not who my God is. If you believe your faith is perfect and you have the right to remove anyone from the planet, you fuel a fire between people.

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There are a difference between allowing people to have their own free choice regarding their Gods, Faith or religion, and to oppress people for your own pleasure and success. That is not faith or religion, that is selfishness.
It is said that ” your enemy is the one that fuels the fire, he that promotes division, he that promotes persecution, or oppression. Our enemy is as clear as daylight, if you share a post where it states “God must beg me forgiveness first ” with a picture at the bottom where many people lay in a heap of destruction, you are the cause of that which you portray. First of all you blame something you don’t believe in(doesn’t make sense because you must blame humans) second you fail to offer a solution, and 3rdly you should be seen as someone that lacks insight wisdom and understanding. We all are sailing a huge ship, we need to be aware of the waves from the sides, and we need to all go head on into the large waves from the front. We cannot let the small waves from the sides distract us from our goals ahead, we will be in a place where we only focus on irrelevant issues and fail to see the large waves that will sink our ship. Just like the internet is sinking our future, our children, why? Well because of these many fake profiles promoting pornography, promoting division between the adults and promoting uselessness to perfection. The adults are kept busy with irrelevant arguments, and the children are groomed into what?


In short, our problem is by them who brings about division, that leads to persecution and finally oppression with destruction as a result.
Google, Yahoo, Facebook , Twitter and the list goes on fail to warn anyone, news companies fail to offer solutions and division, oppression, persecution and destruction is the final result.

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If people make a comment “he said that you said”, you need to find the person that lit the fire, because with enough wind it will burn down forests……..
Verbal abuse against women, children anyone is persecution and oppression…
My God didn’t persecute anyone , He was persecuted, my God is not the Pope, my God is not the President of the United States, if anyone wants to blame anyone, blame yourselves.
Even while I am busy doing child pornography awareness as well as targeting the big internet companies about their pathetic attitudes people had the following to say : Nothing or cannot do something about it. Well that attitude is the cause of your OWN problems.

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In which direction do you want to promote your children , yourself or the world population as a whole?
LOUD AND CLEAR??????????

MY ONLINE CHILD PORNOGRAPHY AWARENESS CAMPAIGNS TO LET PEOPLE KNOW THE STATEMENT: Cannot be controlled is a blatant lie (I DO IT FOR FREE ), I DON’T ASK FOR HELP OR DONATIONS. As a matter of fact I do not want your help or donations because I do not have time for people that cannot focus on the cause, and are distracted by symptoms.




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